I am fitting the mono wheel landing gear mounting frame and have run
into some alignment questions that I would like to ask any of you who
have already dealt with this. I'm not sure how critical this alignment
is. I'm trying to decide what reference plane(s) to use since the walls
of my landing gear bay and the firewall and the fuselage centerline are
not exactly square.
The mounting frame outer tubes are to be spaced 1/16 - 1/8 inch forward
of the firewall. The manual says to install the swing arm to check that
it moves up into the landing gear bay and stays parallel to the bay
sides which is the cockpit module. It is important that the tire is
aligned with the centerline of the fuselage. Since the engine mounts to
this frame, it probably is more important that the engine thrust line is
in the right orientation to the fuselage centerline. I don't have the
specific information on engine installation to know how finally aligning
the engine comes into play.
Bill McClellan