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Re: Rudder pedals

Subject: Re: Rudder pedals
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 23:55:55
>I am installing the rudder pedals and floors.  I would like to move the
>pedals as far forward as I can get away with and not impair function.  I
>need the extra leg room.

I have done this on a modified Classic. I moved the pedal tufnol bearings 
forward about 2 inches. The pedals lean backwards a little but that wasn't 
a problem. THe engine has not been installed yet but there is no conflict 
with the engine mount, which is an XS mount. I also extended the firewall 
forward on both sides; there might be a bit of a problem with the oil tank 
but It should be solvable.

I have to say that the comfort is now outstanding, but that's another 
story. I altered the seat pans to give a more reclined position with a nice 
moulded seat back. No painful bend sticking into the backbone.


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