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Re: Rotax oil change

Subject: Re: Rotax oil change
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:40:46 writes:

<< I failed in my attempt to remove the real plug, which is located towards 
the bottom port side of the gearbox and is apparently  taper plug >>

The magnetic plug is visible just above and aft of the oil filter. (To 
verify, note that a screwdriver is slightly attracted to the outside of this 
plug.) The plug is drilled and needs to be safety wired, with the other end 
of the wire typically looped around one of the socket bolt heads nearby.

At a recent Rotax seminar, Phil Lockwood indicated that removal of this plug 
was often difficult. He suggested using less than the specified torque when 
replacing it (to make future removal easier) plus care in safety wiring it.  
Unfortunately, I misplaced my notes from the seminar so I don't have the 
torque he recommended. Nor can I find the official recommended torque in my 
Rotax manual...

John    A044

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