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Re: Whirlwind prop for motor gliders?

Subject: Re: Whirlwind prop for motor gliders?
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 12:35:42

>  I am not convinced that two blades are more efficient than three. 
> Especially on the Rotax 912S which has a higher reduction ratio. It may 
> be more efficient to have two blades at high speeds but my money is on 
> three blades in the takeoff and climb phase. For us in the UK that's a 
> major consideration. I'll put my three blades up against two any day of 
> the week.

I agree. As I understand it 2 blades will give more theoretical efficiency 
but unfortunately also more vibration. When the blades are moving 
vertically one has a higher AoA than the other because of the pitch 
attitude of the aircraft. With more blades it evens out and is smoother. I 
suspect the vibration in the yaw direction might well degrade the laminar 
flow a bit, so more drag.


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