---From my limited experience in Europas fitted with both the 912 and the
912S, it's my opinion that the 912S is a harsher engine, ie: more
vibration, particularly at some engine rev bands. I don't know that
there was any difference in noise level however. I haven't flown in a
914 powered Europa to compare, but I think that there is something in
what you say regarding the high RPM engines. I read a review on the Ban
Bi MCR01 where 2 aircraft were flown on the same day. One was powered by
a 912 and the other by a lower revving direct drive JPX engine. The
reviewer commented that the JPX was noticeably quieter.
Rob Waters
Shaun Simpkins wrote:
> A very common complaint I've gleaned from this BB is that the Rotax
> has a particularly irritating engine note, owing to the 5000RPM
> typical operating speed of the engine. Can any BB members that have
> attempted alternative engines to the Rotax confirm this suspicion?