Hi! Erich.
Excited about G-PTAG flying ? I think it will actually be an anti-climax
after all the damn hassle, and it's not over yet, don't hold your breath !
To think I once couldn't understand why I was referred to as "BRAVE" in a
previous Europa Club Flyer magazine ?!
I've just had an epistle from Nigel Hutcheson-Brooks in OZ. About their
experimental status operation. It looks quite attractive to me , lets face
it no one in their right mind would wish to fly in a mount that is obviously
going to fall from the sky.
If an engineering solution to such as an engine mount looks right to the
greater proportion of "old hand experienced engineers" ( some of them
trained Rolls Royce Jet/Turbine Repair Investigation Engineers !) it is
quite likely safe beyond belief.
Accepted that if it involves new state of the art GRP technology then
serious calculations have to be employed ,albeit by "wet behind the ears
There has to be a better way than our system in the UK. There should some
way of classifying the builder prior to commencing the Home Build Project so
the Butcher and Baker and Candle Stick Maker etc. get more supervision than
the qualified engineer thereby putting the emphasis on the less competent
people getting better and more engineering support where it's needed.
Mind you what am I saying we may even finish up with TWO PFA's !!!!!!?????
You will hear the sigh of relief from here when the bloody project is
complete, rest assured.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Kit 337.
PS. Even whilst I write a further likelyhood is that the trike nose wheel
will have to come out to apply a mandatory mod. Which I'm told will involve
removing the bungee to get it out. !!!!!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 August 2000 01:26
Subject: Re: Tie rods for securing the plane to trailer.
Well, it would certainly seem like you do indeed beat me. Hard to
believe you have so many miles on the plane. Sounds like you are getting
very close to getting her into the air. Can't wait to hear how she
flies. You must be very excited. Keep us posted.
Best regards,
<ptag.dev@ukonline.co.uk> writes:
> Hi! Eric.
> I can beat that ! I've just done some calcs . and mine has done 1260
> miles
> already , in it's trike trailer and what's more, mostly in the
> interests of
> the POPULAR FLYING ASSOCIATION , or more correctly partly in my
> interests in
> furthering and expediting a permit to fly. Viz. Two trips to
> Cranfield Rally
> ,Plus 600 miles to East Fortune Fly In and on to Perth Fly In with
> the
> engine for display(Round Trip). Delivery to a certain place up the
> A1 North
> ( not to be disclosed) for painting . Visit to Shoreham for their
> inspection, visit to Wombleton for taxi-trials , back home due to
> waiting
> for further PFA clearance and still to do about 70 miles back to
> Wombleton
> for hopefully first flight on September 5th (this years flying
> season
> wasted) Just think I could have bought a "Roller" and enjoyed
> driving it for
> the last 3 1/2 years. (or even a "T" Bird !) And what's more I still
> live at
> the same place !!! But I'm seriously thinking of taking out a bloody
> mortgage all over !
> Sorry I can't answer your question !.
> Regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa@aztec.houxou.com
> On Behalf Of erichdtrombley@juno.com
> Sent: 22 August 2000 18:31
> To: europa@avnet.co.uk
> Subject: Tie rods for securing the plane to
> trailer.