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Re: Tailwind landings

Subject: Re: Tailwind landings
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:16:11
>I just had the unpleasant experience of trying (and finally succeeding) in
>putting UDB on the ground with a 5 knot tail wind component.  I discovered 
>that the
>aircraft really didn't want to land and it took several attempts to get it
>to finally sit on the ground, and stay there.

You need more practice Tony!  However don't rush and try to stay within the 
limitations of your experience with the Europa.
Its necessary to be much more accurate with speed and height on the 
approach because the rate of using up runway is so much higher. It will 
inevitably seem as if the plane doesn't want to land, for that reason only, 
any other factor just makes it worse.
Approach angle will be lower for a given speed, wind will be increasing 
with loss of height so speed might increase. The ground roll will also be 
longer so concentrate on keeping straight and avoid touching the brakes; if 
that's not possible, dab the brake and let it off if the aircraft starts to 


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