Having just done this two days ago, I have a few suggestions. I sanded the
plywood to approximate the curve of the fuselage, but that is the least of
your concerns. In my case all four of the pins failed to line up with the
hard points in the fuselage, with the center of the pins near the bottom of
the hard points. Kim Prout recommended moving the aluminum plates
sandwiched in the fuselage, but after double checking the mis-alignment I
concluded that the manual erred in directing that the pins be installed in
the root rib 1/2 inch below the centerline; at 1/2 inch ABOVE the centerline
alignment was almost perfect, so I moved the pins and plugged the "below the
centerline" holes . Also, be sure to check the depth of the pin that mates
with W26; per the manual it is to be screwed into the tapped hole as far as
it will go, which is OK if you don't care that the pip pin then will not fit
into the hole in the pin because that hole will be too close to the root
rib. Since I felt that the pip pin would be useful I attached the W26
assembly (with pip pin) and then determined the depth to which the pin
should be screwed into the rib.
More importantly, check the fit of every mating part everywhere prior to
doing something that will be difficult to correct. My ailerons and flaps
were hot wire cut too short, the aileron mass balance weights and the
factory cutout locations in the wings did not match, the fuel drain kit puts
one drain directly under where the battery should be (and in the tri-gear
that is not even below the bottom of the fuel tank), both outboard flap
hinges required S bends to accommodate the offset, and so on. It is not
enough to measure twice, cut once, since the measurements per the manual may
be incorrect.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Paul McAllister
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 2:15 PM
Subject: Mounting disc for W26 sockets
Hi all,
I am setting up the wings at the moment and I have to make a disc to mount
the W26 socket onto the fuselage. The area where it mounts on the fuselage
is a compound curve. I was wondering how people shaped there disc. Is it
just a lot of sanding until is correct ?. Maybe someone has a best practice
they can share with me.
Thanks & regards, Paul