I recently fitted a new (Europa supplied 8") tyre and inflated to the
construction book pressure of 18-20 psi.The wheel was free when suspended,
however I found a squeeking noise when manhandling on the ground and find
that within this pressure range there is ZERO gap between the tyre sides and
the fork, and therefore braking action, resulting in wear even when
unloaded, and potentially longer takeoff runs..
The diameter clearly increases with static load and increased g on landings
and so is most undesirable. Lowering below the recommended pressure to
achieve clearance is bad for the tyre and certainly in my case makes it
almost impossible to close the trailer ramp past the exhaust stub.
I would be very interested in what inflation pressures others are using,
which tyres, and what static clearance to the fork is present at various
weights. From this one can calculate at what load the gap will reduce to
Graham G-EMIN