Dear Forum and Mike Gregory
Corrected WAM-120 installed weight estimate:
Item Weight(lb) Notes
Proto Engine inc cooling pack 220.5 "standard" radiator
Coolant Bottle (Rover) 2.0
Exhaust silencer and bracket 5.0
Oil - 4.5 litres 8.4
Coolant - 5 litres 11.0 could reduce a
.................MARK WILKSCH
>Dear Mike
>Simple - by dividing by 2.2 instead of multiplying!
>Good thing I don't fly a 767 - I would run out of fuel.
>>Dear Mark
>>Thanks for publishing the spreadsheet. I have only one query so far: Where
>>do you get the lightweight oil that weighs only 3.8 lb for 4 1/2 litres?
>>Keep up the good work!
>>Best wishes
>>Mike Gregory