I don't know the exact values you want, but the Rotax display at Cranfield
had a sign detailing 912ULS weight. It listed engine with exhaust, oil tank
and oil, radiator and coolant, air filter, rectifier and regulator as being
There is also some good weight info for Rotax's at
This shows a dry installed weight for the 912ULS of 63.8kg. So from that
it appears that the oil and coolant would be 4.2 kg This seems a little
light, but I don't know what quantities are involved for a 912.
Hope this is of some help.
Rob Waters
Paul & Liz Atkinson wrote:
> >
> Mark (or anyone else who has the figures to hand)
> Can you tell me how the coolant and oil quantities compare with the 912
> so that I can adjust my spreadsheet.
> Thanks
> Paul