I agree with your conclusion, and used a similar approach.
My rudder cables are enclosed in Nylo-Seal tubing (from Aircraft Spruce,
naturally) from the pulleys aft, but since my XS is still under construction
the rear termination point for the tubing has not been established. My
reason for using the tubing is to protect the cables from wear (and it just
didn't seem like a good idea to have loose cables flapping in the breeze, so
to speak). Since the cable that is forward of the pulleys needs to follow
the arc of the pedal arm it did not seem to be a good idea to restrict the
cables, and designing a scheme to permit articulation of the tubing is too
tedious; ergo, no tubing there. Hmmm, now that I think about it, there is
also an arc at the rudder end of the cables; I'll have to give this a bit
more thought (or wait for others to comment on your inquiry).
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Chuck Popenoe
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: Routing rudder cables
Hi Europaphiles-
My rudder cables were all routed and swaged permanently in place, but,
never satisfied, I'm thinking that I should have run them through nylon
tubing. I'm about to cut them out and redo them with adjusting turnbuckles
and teflon-lined nylon tubing. I could also use some words of wisdom from
our erudite group regarding just how much of the cable should be enclosed
in the tubing. I'm considering running the tubing from the forward rub
strips back to the pulleys. But how about another piece from the aft
side of the pulley to the plywood stabilator weight support? Does that
make any sense?
If I keep redoing previous work, I may never get finished!!
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa@aztec.houxou.com
Subject: Routing rudder cables
Hi all,
I am about to thread up my rudder cables and I was wondering if anyone has
some words of wisdom to offer. The one question I do have is about cable
tensioners. I intend to use turnbuckles and I am trying to make up my mind
where in the cable run should I put these to get the easiest accessibility.
By the way, I am using Graham Singleton's tail wheel mod, which seems to be
a well thought out modification. If any of you XS folk out there haven't
got this far yet then this mod is well worth considering.
Regards, Paul (363 XS)