Hi Miles,
Just make sure all your tugging and pulling dosen't twist the fuselage out
of alignment.
We ended up with a twist in the tail of about 1/2 a degree (see my last
Europa posting).
The 1/4 inch overhang isnt a problem as this is cut away to accommodate the
rudder later on.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miles McCallum" <milesm@avnet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Canoes & Tops
> As it happens, this is the bit I'm working on at the moment - although
it's an XS
> fuselage, and the aft bulkhead and the cockpit module are bonded in - you
> really be able to see how the top fits until you do.
> I started by clecoing in the tailpost vertically to pretty well match the
> canoe - and a small amount needed to be trimmed for a clean fit. I also
have a
> splash moulding clecoed in place for the top containment bulkhead.
> The fuselage is then pulled aft with a pair of cords (parachute cord, as
> somewhat springy) - one from through the door openings, and one from the
clecos on
> the fuselage top - both going to 1" dowel that is used to twist the cords
to pull
> them aft. This pulled the fuselage back at least a further 1/4"- and it's
> that the top half of the fin moulding will have to be trimmed a little.
> Of more concern is the foam core on the LH side of the fin - it comes aft
enough to
> interfere with the sternpost closeout (RHS is OK) - I have yet to decise
whether to
> just clamp it "shut" when bonding, or route away about 1" of the core and
lay in a
> couple of bid so that it fits closer... I note that Tony K moans about
having to
> add a lot of filler to his rudder to get things to line up...
> Also - the top wouldn't fit at all well until I removed the "front" wooden
> (fwd/above the stabs on the bottom shell half)
> and so it goes.....
> M
> Fergus Kyle wrote:
> > Cheers:
> > General question this time.
> > ` I hav brought the Mk 1 fuselage into the fray, and feeling
> > offered up the top to see what possible trouble may lie ahead afetr I've
> > worked on, and installed, the cockpit module.
> > Lo amd behold, brethren, do I find the top molding to be 1/4in
short of
> > the canoe at the rear top of the fin. That is, with the top front bolted
> > tightly6 to the firewall and occasionally along their mutual "joggle",
> > with the top molding cut so as to meet the bottom molding joggle just a
> > foot or so ahead of the rear bulkhead position, the rear end of the
> > canoe is 1/4" longer than the rear edge of the top. Now the aft edges of
> > both canoe and top foam inserts in that region line up, so am heartened
> > to think I can recut the aft edge of the canoe to accomodate the shorter
> > top.
> > Anyone else find this anomaly7
> > All suggestions gratefully received here at Offhand Manor.
> > Happy landings
> > Ferg #A064