Interesting. My top extends aft of the "canoe" by more than 1/4 inch; maybe
you and I have been shipped half or each others kits ;-). The molded cut
line along the aft edge of the closeout is actually aft to the end of the
The aircraft may be a very good design with excellent aerodynamics but the
manufacturing quality is about on a par with, say, MG and Triumph and other
marques no longer seen in the US (for good reason). As I have said before,
Europa's manufacturing QA leaves a bit to be desired, perhaps that is the
real reason that Liberty will be contracting with Scaled Technology Works to
manufacture a certificated aircraft (I personally doubt that Europa could
ever get a manufacturing certificate).
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Fergus Kyle
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 6:20 AM
Subject: Canoes & Tops
General question this time.
` I hav brought the Mk 1 fuselage into the fray, and feeling tenuous,
offered up the top to see what possible trouble may lie ahead afetr I've
worked on, and installed, the cockpit module.
Lo amd behold, brethren, do I find the top molding to be 1/4in short of
the canoe at the rear top of the fin. That is, with the top front bolted
tightly6 to the firewall and occasionally along their mutual "joggle",
with the top molding cut so as to meet the bottom molding joggle just a
foot or so ahead of the rear bulkhead position, the rear end of the
canoe is 1/4" longer than the rear edge of the top. Now the aft edges of
both canoe and top foam inserts in that region line up, so am heartened
to think I can recut the aft edge of the canoe to accomodate the shorter
Anyone else find this anomaly7
All suggestions gratefully received here at Offhand Manor.
Happy landings
Ferg #A064