In message <>, Graham
Singleton <grasingleton@avnet.co.uk> writes
>hose who have made serious efforts to get cold air to the carb inlets may
>well encounter conditions which will induce barb icing in flight. Another
>factor that may improve economy running conditions is that the extra heat
>will help to evaporate the fuel quicker, giving perhaps better mixture
>distribution and cleaner burning. That is my guess, not tested.
The theory of petrol engines is that one doesn't want the petrol to
evaporate outside the cylinders as this reduces the mass of charge which
can be drawn in. Carburettors are intended to deliver the fuel as a
spray, or largely so. Ideally the heating via the liquid coolant should
only be applied when it is needed. At other times one should be trying
to supply as cool a charge as possible.
Ken Whiteley (19)