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Re: Exhaust sytem movement

Subject: Re: Exhaust sytem movement
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:51:30
In a message dated 01/12/2000 20:26:02 GMT Standard Time, 

<< Just a dumb thought - how many hours do you have on the engine?  Perhaps 
 engine mounts have compressed and the engine has sagged slightly.  5mm is
 not much at all...

 Shaun Simpkins
 A >>
You certainly got me thinking there Shaun, but no is the answer!! I looked 
carefully ay the mounts, etc., but the was no movement. Furthermore, the 
exhaust system has moved away from the bottom of the engine. It is clear to 
see that what was a small gap between the sump screw and the silencer is now 
big enough to get my fingers in, whilst the gap between the bottom of the 
silencer and the duct has disappeared on the starboard side.

It has happened to Graham Clark So there may be others out there.

Best regards  Bryan Allsop

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