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Identifying Alu and Steel parts

Subject: Identifying Alu and Steel parts
From: Shaun Simpkins <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:16:22


I'm perusing my pack of parts, preparing to properly proof them against 
corrosion (sorry, couldn't keep up the alliteration), and wonder how one 
determines the difference between Aluminum, Steel, and Stainless Steel.  
Aside from the obvious weight difference between Alu and Steel, there 
appears to be a distinct grain to the surface of steel parts, but not a 
clear difference between regular and Stainless steel.
In the tail kit, for example:
    XTW12 - aluminum, by weight and lack of grain
    XTW09 - steel, regular? by weight and grain
    TP16 - steel, but Steve G.  sez it's stainless
    XA2 - aluminum
Any hints?


Shaun Simpkins

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