As an add-on to this question, what are the preferred methods of corrosion
protection for the various metal types?
SL, A208
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaun Simpkins []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Identifying Alu and Steel parts
> All:
> I'm perusing my pack of parts, preparing to properly proof them against
> corrosion (sorry, couldn't keep up the alliteration), and wonder how one
> determines the difference between Aluminum, Steel, and Stainless Steel.
> Aside from the obvious weight difference between Alu and Steel, there
> appears to be a distinct grain to the surface of steel parts, but not a
> clear difference between regular and Stainless steel.
> In the tail kit, for example:
> XTW12 - aluminum, by weight and lack of grain
> XTW09 - steel, regular? by weight and grain
> FL7 - aluminum?
> TP16 - steel, but Steve G. sez it's stainless
> XA2 - aluminum
> Any hints?
> Thanks,
> Shaun Simpkins