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Re: [RE: Future upgrades question]

Subject: Re: [RE: Future upgrades question]
From: Andrew Sarangan <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 18:40:14


I know that the FAR requires an airspeed indicator. My question was whether an
AOA indicator can be substituted for it. After all, the AOA gives a more
accurate measurement of critical airspeeds (Vsl, Vso, Vno, Vne and Va) than
the conventional airspeed indicator. One can also calibrate the AOA in terms
of airspeeds and call it an Airspeed+AOA indicator. However, I do not know
whether the FAA will accept that as a valid substitute. Does the FAR say that
the airspeed must be driven by a pitot-static system? 


"Rob Housman" <> wrote:
The first item listed as required equipment for VFR flight in FAR 91.205 (b)
is the airspeed indicator.

Best regards,

Rob Housman

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