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Re: AOA and ASI

Subject: Re: AOA and ASI
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 17:02:43
>  trying to
>calibrate an AOA in terms of aispeed limits (Vne, maneuvering speed, flap
>limits) only works at a fixed weight and 1G flight. It does give wing
>"performance" (stall, Clmax,Vx, Vy) info regardless of weight and G loading,
>which is why its a great instrument. You still need an ASI to give you the
>amount of energy available (with varying weight and G loading, AOA won't give
>you this info).

Not many of us are either as experienced or skilled as folk who fly for a 
living and also fly for pleasure. Thats why I think AoA is a better stall 
avoidance instrument than ASI. The ASI tells you too late.

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