In a message dated 2/6/01 8:24:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<< Run the cable through a piece of 1/4" Nyloflex tube and then make up the
blocks to support the tube in place. Use the same
piece of tufnol with a 1/4" hole drilled through then cut across through the
hole to create the tube guide.
Many builders use the tube as it provides a very tidy way of keeping the
cable clean and clear of any obstructions.
Tony >>
Hi All,
I second this and would suggest to temporarily, at least, install the brake
caliper try it. Had to move mine up to clear the bleeder screw on the
caliper. Also put the cable inside tubing from the pulleys -aft past the
baggage shelf too. Clamp the tubing to the side of the baggage wells at the
most aft corner to keep them from slapping the fuselage floor.Additionally,
before you crimp the cables at the front be sure the crimps don't catch on
the forward rubbing blocks and that they are exactly center throughout the
cables movement. FWIW.