Thanks for everyones advice. Instead of squeeze bottles, I tried a turkey
baster, and it worked great. The squeeze bulb makes it easy to suck in various
quantities resin. I used one for the resin and another for the hardner. They
are real cheap, only about a dollar a piece. Once I was finished, I dipped it
into acetone and squirted it a few times and it came out clean.
Chris and Susan Beck <> wrote:
Andrew, here's what we use and it works a treat. Either get from somebody or
drink your self to get some 1/2 and 1 liter soda bottles. Then, go to
Wal-Mart or
other store of that type and find the screw on pop-tops like the ones on a
bottle. Clean out the inside of the bottle well, and you're set. We use the
liter for hardener and 1 liter for resin. It makes it VERY easy to dispense
small, accurate amounts with our digital scale. Keep a paper towel handy to
up drips.
The hardner does harden the plastic bottle over time, leading to leaks, but
just replace it every month or two. We've found no affect on the cured
---From the plastic. It can't be any worse than those resin pumps with the
lines. We keep a bit of each batch leftover and give it the "scratch test",
we've always had excellent results, even if the workshop is in the mid 50's
We use heatlamps to locally heat the layups rather than trying to keep the
basement warm, but the leftover resin can be sitting on the bench away from
any of
the heat.
Chris Beck
Andrew Sarangan wrote:
> Hi
> I find that dispensing the resin and hardner directly from the container to
> quite awkward. Instead, I would like to use a syringe. However I am not
> that the plastic syringes found at hardware stores will not react with the
> resin and contaminate it. Any ideas? Should I use glass syringes?
> Any harm in cleaning the syringe with acetone and re-using it? I have seen
> certain plastics dissolve in acetone.
> Europa #A178