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Re: Amateur Aerodynamicist

Subject: Re: Amateur Aerodynamicist
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 13:52:19
>My desire to stimulate conversation and expand knowledge has led me to
>running off at the mouth again.
>Rookies shouldn't wax illiterate as I have done.
>My recollection of flap deployment as a potentially trim-free, balanced
>affair fails me.
>Perhaps I left out some landing gear motion that when deployed shifted the
>CG back under the Center of Lift.
>Maybe on a Beech 18 or something.

I missed any earlier reference to trim change and flap deployment so if I 
speak out of order just ignore.
If you trim the Europa to 80 kts clean, (no stick load at 80) then lower 
the flaps, you will find that the new trimmed speed will be 60, just right 
for approach and landing.
Don Dykins was a bit clever, I think.


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