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Re: Dremels

Subject: Re: Dremels
From: David Watts <>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 19:44:57
If you go into a decent model shop you should be able to purchase a 
normal variable chuck to screw on to your Dremel. I have been using one 
for some years and bought a second one about a year ago for about 4 
or 5. The big advantage of the Dremel is that they do a proper mains 
powered one with a variable speed and the latest ones maintain their 
speed even under load.

Dave Watts G-BXDY
  Mention is made from time to time of the usefulness of a Dremel. I 
have one, and also a Minicraft drill. If anyone is thinking of buying 
one of these appliances may I suggest that they consider the Minicraft 
version. My Dremel will only accept the appliances supplied by Dremel, 
whereas the Minicraft drill has a chuck which will accept various shaft 
sizes, and drill sizes, which I find to be most useful.
  Roger Anderson. 155, G-BXTD

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