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Fill and Bake, or Bake and Fill?

Subject: Fill and Bake, or Bake and Fill?
From: djgeldermann <>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 21:56:13

Hello all,
This is an add-on to the recent questions about applying filler to the 
control surfaces.  I would like to hear opinions on whether the filler 
should be applied before or after oven curing?

I have also heard that it is relatively easy to straighten trailing 
edges with heat and clamped straight edges, and that it's possible to 
put in, or take out, some minor twist in the ailerons under heat.  Is 
this best done during the oven curing or with a heat gun localized on 
one area (I'm nervous about melting the blue foam under the bid).
Thanks for any input.
Dan Geldermann

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