Hi! All and Jerry.
Just a word of warning to the stick top control enthusiasts from an
electrical "bo bo" ! I went down this road and it wasn't 'til after I'd
given my Skyforce IIIC GPS a reverse polarity shot (They don't have
protective diodes)that I realised how damn devious electricity can be. So
flat batteries overnight,smell of burning out the back of the GPS 300
repairs later I had to get a relay wiz-kid to design a foolproof relay to
give me control from stick top AND/OR panel. This he did and believe it or
not it's impossible to fool it even when you press all the switches
simulatneously! (up to now !) Mac produce a relay deck for the trim circuit
but hesitate to say it will take Flap amps adequately .
So "Confucius" and I think Jerry Davis, will say watch out for grounding out
polarities the wrong way. Wrinkles and experience can be expensive.!
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jerry Davis
Subject: Mac Grips
I have my MAC grips wired so that all the actions are activated by grounding
a button. The master grounding wire for each grip goes through a switch on
the panel. I can therefore de-activate either or both MAC grips. I find this
particularly useful when I have a passenger looking at a map resting on top
of the Mac grip. I wouldn't be without mine but I think having the
deactivation option is a good second measure.