The local Rotax rep showed similar damage (from the same source) to the same
parts during a presentation to the Europa Squadron in southern California.
I doesn't matter if it's an aviation engine or an automobile engine, lead
fouls everything it gets near.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John Cliff
Subject: Re: Re: Fuel leak/smel
Forwarded from the bounce bin. Message is from
'Dave' on
Nigel Beale, who sells the Rotax engines here in th UK, has shown me a head
and valves from a 912 which used 100LL. Both were heavily contaminated with
yellow lead deposites to the extent that the valves could not operate
properly. I forget how many hours the engine had done but it is something
you should be aware of. The engine was designed to operated on unleaded
If you e mail him at he could probably enlarge upon