Rotax 914?
>A note of caution on that! I recently read teh UK accident report
>( on an accident where
>coolant, having been intentionally diluted with water (but possibly to a
>greater extent thatn the owner realised?) started to boil at what would
>otherwise have been a "safe" engine tempurature.
The coolant was measured at 50/50 after the accident. Boils at 130 C at
operating pressure.
>but at a *serious* penalty in terms of coolant
>boiling point), it would appear that teh engine could boil while other temp
>readings were in teh acceptable range.
It did.
>I have no idea whether (in consequence of this accident or otherwise) there
>is any directive prohibiting or limiting coolant dilution, but the accident
>cited should be taken as a serious warning.
Which is why I posted my assessment a couple of weeks ago. PFA will
recommend but not insist on 80/20. So do I with the benefit of painful
20/10 hindsight.