mmmm, he could have helped until a recent mishap with the resin and hardener
rendered pump no1 useless.
The pumps are great. Ours has lasted 5 years (hmm, thats a long time to be
building an aeroplane) with absolutely no problems, until human error caused
its downfall last weekend. We should be able to source another one for you
if you are interested. And when you get it, remember not to pre-mix the
resin and hardener before it comes out of the nozzle, it really spoils your
----- Original Message -----
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Subject: Re: Introductions
> > Can any UK builders
> >recommend a source for a resin pump and a suitable electronic scale.
> Eddie Hatcher of this parish might be able to help with the resin
> pump, and I gto my Ohaus LS200 scale from Fisher Scientific of
> Loughborough (01509 231166).
> Happy scouting!
> regards
> Rowland
> | PFA 16532 EAA 168386 Young Eagles Flight Leader 017623
> | Europa builder #435 G-ROWI