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And the answer is.....

Subject: And the answer is.....
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 11:29:53
Yes, the engine will happily restart by windmilling it.

I spent some time this morning doing some more feathering operations of which a

full hour was performed with the engine off.

I was able to achieve consistent restarts by setting the Airmaster controller 
to cruise mode when coming out of feather and gently diving the aircraft to 
increase speed. Without exception the engine restarted as I passed through 90 
knots indicated. From beginning the manoeuver to bring the prop out of feather

to achieving a restart used around 500 feet of altitude.

Having seen how well the short wing aircraft behaves with the engine off all I

can say is that those who have bought motor glider wings are going to have a 


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