> This is a question I have raised before. How would an >XS with a 912 and fixed
pitch prop climb/handle from >an airstrip at 1000 ft/305m elevation on a
>humid day, with full fuel and two people?
This gives a density alt of about 5000ft. I can tell you that a classic with
912 and fixed pitch warp drive, propped more towards cruise than climb, recently
took off from a field 2 up with half fuel and not much baggage at this density
altitude in Switzerland: good job it was 2500M tarmac! T/o was ok but it
will not climb until you get enough airspeed to rotate to a decent attitude -
it all happened verrryy sloooowwllyy..
> My plan was for a 912S, but now I'm thinking maybe the 914 for safety?
IMHO a 912s with a variable pitch prop gives good enough performance,
914 is better yet, but the bottom line is what the individual builder can