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Rotax tacho calibration

Subject: Rotax tacho calibration
From: David Cripps <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 08:42:00
Calling all electrical experts!

I have an errant tacho on my Classic (912), that has been underreading by at
least 10%. I am planning to take it out of the panel to try to adjust the
calibration screw that I am informed by Andy Draper is in the back of it.
However, he is not sure if it will have the adjustment range to cope with
such a big correction. Does anyone have experience of adusting these tachos?
My aircraft is kit 007 so I don't know if the tachos have changed since
then. For now I am living with reading a whole different set of figures to
the rest of you for max rpm, max continuous etc, but I'd like to get it
straightened out!

Also, it would be very useful to be able to put a calibration device into
the panel itself so that the tacho can be calibrated occasionally without
having to take out the whole panel. Is there some clever gismo (eg
potentiometer) that can be wired across the tacho terminals and mounted in
the panel for easy adjustment by a screwdriver?

Any help/experience gratefully received.


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