I noted the discussion on an American list regarding some of the
new solidstate instrument systems. There is everything but the ironing board
on some, and the advantages are long and persuasive.
However, I note one facility which they choose to add - which in
its singularity - is less than useful. That is the Angle of Attack gauge - a
prime instrument under certain manoeuvres. I find the AoA is vital to a
number of functions: Airshow manoeuvres, gusty approaches, precautionary
landings and cruise at best lift-drag angles. Nearly all (except the latter)
are functions best carried out with the Mk 1 eyeball firmly fixed on outdoor
events - primarily as space relations are instantaneous and require
This was the cause of many failures when only airspeed and its
peculiarities was primary gauge, but was greatly eased with the AoA
available - up front. To be capable of seeing both outside AND AoA is
crucial to prevent those errors, and means the AoA indicator be quick to
assess and simple in form. That is colour change, in the windscreen area.
Only where continuous flying in IMC is the criterion is the dial to be on
the panel below - best range cruise etc. Even then, the windscreen position
is hardly a penalty.
This diatribe only to advise of hesitation in including AoA in
instrument panel systems to the detriment of critical manoeuvre indicators.
Happy Landings,
Ferg A064