I took an approach similar to Mike Gamble's, except I just did it with a 1 foot
long drill bit. It is easily flexible enough to make it possible to drill at
right angles to the W18's at any height you want. You could easily drill all
the way down flush with the bottom surface if you needed to. It works great
because it is flexible enough to do the job, and rigid enough to not wobble.
Fergus Kyle wrote:
> "Incidentally I used a flexible drive on my B&D (which was itself mounted on
> a block of wood) to drill the holes in W18's etc. This allowed me to drill
> horizontally as close as 1/2" to the wing surface."
> (Mike Gamble)
> Cheers,
> I couldn't get AS to send me their close-tolerance 90deg drill
> head kit after asking twice so turned to another device to get the W18s
> drilled sufficiently close to the wing surface - 1/2inch.
> I bought a WOLF electric drill extension which has a rubber
> handle at the end to hold the drill bit. I ground the handle down to a flat
> exactly 1/2inch from centreline and slid that along the wing to drill the
> W18. The holes came out perfectly parallel to. and correct distance from.
> the wing surface. The unattainable drill kit was US$80 or thereabout
> (CAN$125 plus taxes), the drill extender about CAN$40 all in.
> Happy landings
> Ferg
> A064