---From Flyer magazine (UK).. good to see that all are well and Europa is in
A couple from Devon escaped without injury on Saturday when the aircraft
they were flying lost power. The pair were returning from Jersey to Exeter
on Saturday afternoon in a Europa, when, just off the island of Sark in the
Channel Islands, they began to smell burning and the engine cut out.
They realised that they would not make the nearest airport - which was
Guernsey - so put down on Little Sark. Both occupants were pilots, and were
positive about the incident. They told the local press that they had talked
through the situation, had decided to make for the land rather than attempt
a ditching and pointed out that all pilots are trained to cope with such a
situation. No, it wouldn't put them off flying again.
The aircraft struck a hedge at the end of the landing run but neither
occupant, although shocked, required medical assistance.
As a matter of historical interest, the last time an aircraft landed on Sark
was in 1942 - cars and most other motor vehicles are banned from the island.
Edward Strike
Unix Systems Administration
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