We are going the route of a bit more permanence. We insulated and
drywalled our 2-1/2 car garage, and are installing a Modine "HotDawg"
heater. They aren't cheap, but basically a high efficiency, very
compact ceiling mounted furnace. Natural gas, vented, thermostat, the
The big issue with layups is 1) moisture and 2) combustion residues.
Unvented gas heaters produce a LOT of number 1 and any sort of unvented
kerosene heater produces both 1 and 2. There have been instances of
kits crashing due to delamination from oil contamination on the surfaces
between layups, and all the moisture from an unvented gas heater can
cause cure problems also.
So, we bit the bullet and are in the process of installing the HotDawg
45,000 BTU model. I've been so busy with work and travel that kit
building has been a bit of a slow process, not to mention actually
learning to fly. I'm ready for the checkride and written, if I can ever
get something scheduled. I finished up my instruction on Sept. 10th
with my second night flight with a short cross country and 6 landings
with my instructor. It was a great flight, and was rather odd
considering what happend the next day. I've flown once since, but spent
2 weeks in Holland again during that time since. I'll get there!
Hope this helps.
Cliff Shaw wrote:
> JohnI may be lucky in that respect. I have the house furnace in the
> garage ware I am building. I found a flat place on the hot air duct
> and installed a louvered vent in it. I can not regulate the heat
> automatically, but with an eye on the thermometer, I am able to keep
> it just above 70 in there. I am working in a T shirt regularly. Cliff
> ShawA229 Edmonds, WA
> To the group, I am about to start my layups and I need to heat my work
> space.What methods are being used that are not
> permanent? Thanks,JohnA230