Hi Folks,
I now have 99.5 hours on N152MT. I have posted a message before about the
fact that in the cruise my trim marker with just me on board is almost full
forward. Takeoff in this configuration is one mark nose down. Dong! Idea! I
adjusted the tab arm (the tee piece which connects the servo and trim gearing
mechanism to the tailplane tabs) by just half a turn so that I takeoff solo
with neutral trim and now fly in the cruise with nosedown trim about 3/4 full
and have plenty to trim for descent - typically I keep the same throttle
setting and trim for 500 ft/min descent (matches my Garmin 295 VNAV decent
profile) and the ASI sits on 140 knots with engine around 5,100 rpm (fixed
pitch Warp drive set at 18.5 degrees).
If you find yourself running out of trim you can adjust the tab arm. One mark
on the trim equals just half a turn on the tab arm - so its real sensitive.
P.S. Seems Compuserve has changed servers and messed up my website so its
down at present.
Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas