This is a forwarded message from Graham Singleton <> .
Although addressed also to the Forum, it doesn't
seem to have got there.
> Almost all of these problems can be FORESEEN by the simple addition of
> a fuel pressure >meter, and I completely agree with Klaus that it's an
> essential,
not a >nice to have. Wonderful idea to have it hooked up to an audible warning
>so we can look out the window more.
>I get no commission, but they're available from Skydrive and they're not
They come with the required constriction which is needed >whenever monitoring
fuel lines are brought into the cockpit.
>Dave Simpson
Three minds think alike. I was PFA inspector of a Europa for which I also
had the honor of first flight test pilot. I had insisted that a fuel
pressure gauge was a good idea.
The aeroplane and I were about to clatter off into the blue when I noticed
that fuel pressure had declined close to zero. The engine had not noticed.
We went back and cleaned everything out. This time it looked like sand and
dust. Could have included bits of paint from the jerry cans used for the
fuel. I might be mistaken but that one of the triggers for the dual filter
mod. At the time I didn't believe that was a good idea and I still don't.