OK, I'll bite. Can send a sketch separately if you let me know what formats
you can read (e.g. .CAD or .DXF?) but the following word picture may help.
The tunnel cross section forward of the seat bulkhead is shaped like an
inverted T.
The wider section at the bottom (the crossbar of the T) is about 220 mm
About 30 mm at either end of this is occupied by the rudder cable pulleys.
Inboard of this, some space must be reserved for routing the fuel lines from
the tank outlet bosses to the selector valve. I am also using 3/8 aluminium
tubing having installed the Europa-supplied rubber hoses and then ripped
them out in disgust.
The upper section (the vertical of the inverted T) is narrower, about 80mm
wide at the top and 110mm at the bottom. It is offset about 25mm to
starboard from the centreline of the lower section.
The fuel selector valve in its standard position (and I can see no need to
move it) occupies most of the port side of this section. Its maximum
protrusion into the tunnel is about 50mm at the centre of the valve, about
95mm below the top of the tunnel. The whole assembly with the aluminium
tubing from the tank outlets and to the gascolator takes most of the
vertical space on the port side.
The upper starboard part of the tunnel is reserved for the Flap operating
pushrod (about 30mm wide and 50mm deep -- see the cutout in the drawing of
the tunnel bulkhead in the manual). Below this is free space.
Overall, things are not crowded. In the middle of the lower section, on the
fuselage floor, there is plenty of room to run electrical cable and the 3/8
lines to and from the fuel pump and gascolator which will be mounted below
the baggage bay.
I'm not sure why your fuel drains would go anywhere near the tunnel. If you
are using the very ugly Europa drain mod they go aft from the tank outlets
via rubber hose. I am using machined three port fuel outlet boss similar to
Graham Singleton's and have mounted the drain valves directly to the centre
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Subject: The 'tunnel'
My plea for info on the constituents of the XS cockpit 'tunnel'
brought no takers, so am trying again. I have a Mark 1 monowheel with XS
cockpit (the "L.A." mod). This restricts items in the bottom section of the
cockpit just ahead of the belly inspection panels and behind the 'mudguard'.
There are at least two of us keen to see where everything goes.
I have compounded the crime by opting for 3/8inch Alum fuel
tubing and water drain mods but am prepared to modify my thinking if
Can anyone 'out there' sketch a 'thwartships cross-section of
their tunnel? A simple sketch with clearances achieved would give us an
idea. Fuel lines, rudder cables, gascolators, electric cabling, relief
tubes(?), pyrotechnic units - anything.
Much obliged,