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RE: Corrosion treatment

Subject: RE: Corrosion treatment
From: BT Internet <>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 11:54:30


I believe that the hinges are already treated, but there are plenty of other
bits that you will need to treat later.  Alodine goes by the name of Alocrom
in the UK and you can get it via the web from Silmid at  I have bought Alocrom 1200 which is a
2-part liquid that can be brushed on, although I found it better to bath the
components in the stuff.  You will also need some Deoxydine which is a
preparation liquid that removes grease, oxides, etc. from the surface.  To
be on the safe side, I also gave all the components a thorough scrub with
Flash before starting.

As has been mentioned by other correspondents, these chemicals are quite
nasty, so make sure you are wearing appropriate protection whilst you are

I have talked to other people about this issue and I think that if you have
bought the whole kit up front, it is probably easier to get all the alloy
components professionally plated.  I have bought my kit is three parts, so
the number of components is quite small in each part and the minimum charge
levied by the platers made it rather uneconomic.


Rick Sivier
  -----Original Message-----
  Subject: Corrosion treatment

  After 'lurking' on this site for some years I have now become a Europa
builder and have recently started work on the rudder.

  The manual says nothing about corrosion treatment of the rudder and tail
plane hinges. Is it safe to leave these parts untreated?

  If corrosion treatment is desirable, as I suspect is probably the case,
then I will need to alodyne the hinges before they are fitted to the rudder.
I know that alodyne can be obtained from Aircraft Spruce, but is there also
a UK source of supply?

  John Heykoop
  #536 mono wheel

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