Graham, As always your contributions make very good sense. Lots of Europas
were flying round entirely happily with a single Andair gascolator leading
into the fuel pumps until Europa emailed a few months back to say they have
changed their mind and now recommend two. It is worth pointing out that
their single gascolator was full of crud and just made the engine cough a
bit, and switching on their second fuel pump returned engine function to
normal and allowed them to return back to base normally. The presence of the
back up fuel pump acting on a single gascolator seems to me to act as a
reasonable extra safety measure, particularly when used in conjunction with
careful selection and handling of fuel and frequent checking of the
gascolator. In this context I have found that mounting the gascolator on one
of the inner vertical baggage bay supports, with an access door directly
under it makes it very easy both to get to the drain valve on the bottom of
it and also to drop the bowl off. David Joyce
----- Original Message -----
From: Graham Singleton <>
Subject: Re: Gascolator
> >Where have people installed their gascolators - if they have installed
> >
> >I plan in 2 - one for each tank outlet. I have not installed the baggage
> >bulkhead yet and am assuming that the lines must be routed back in that
> >area - maybe mounted to one of the 4 square supports under the baggage
> >bulkhead? The fuel lines would go from the tanks back to the gascolators
> >and then forward to the fuel selector valve and then forward to the
> >from there.
> Dave,
> There are only two ideal places for a gascolator, one to filter fuel as it
> is being poured into the tank and one to filter it before it goes to the
> fuel pump and on to the engine.
> The first one can be one of those separator funnels that stop water and
> dirt getting into the tank. (ACS) The second could be an Andair. Reliable,
> also blocks water but won't easily get blocked, unless there is a large
> build up of debris, which would block any filter system.
> I don't believe 2 gascolators is a good idea because the one on the right,
> the reserve, will tend to get any rubbish poured into the tank, but also
> you would need to drain the tank or fit extra stop cocks to be able to
> check the bowls if any contamination is found during drain checks.
> If this isn't logical please tell us?
> Graham