Please say that was an auto conversion engine! Their crankshafts were
designed to drive at least the cam and accessory belt, plus A/C with
Popular Options Package B.
Fred F.
> Whoever said that geared reductions are free from resonance's? On my
> Avid Flyer I have a 3.2:1 reduction driving a 60" prop. I have had
> two (2!) crankshafts break on me in flight due to torsional resonance.
> The last one occurred even after my implementing a torsional vibration
> isolator, with an added flywheel. I believe that geared reductions can
> exacerbate torsional resonance problems by multiplying the inertia of
> the prop by the gear ratio. I, for one, would love to have knowledge
> of which rpm ranges to avoid!
> Pops
> A036