That's because there is not a slipper clutch available for the 912S yet. At
least not a few months ago when I was still in the loop.
James Thursby
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Flying: Performance: Speed kit.
I have just learnt that the owner of a 912S fitted with an MT problems had
suffered vibrations from day one, much to everyone's surprise. Eventually it
was discovered that the 912S had not been fitted with a slipper clutch
despite one having been ordered and paid for. That particular Rotax dealer
is no longer a Rotax dealer.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Zutrauen" <>
Subject: RE: Flying: Performance: Speed kit.
> Another question from the uninitiated:
> I wonder, are the "crankshaft oscillation" and resonant RPM's less
> on a geared engine like the rotax vs. a direct-drive Jabiru? Are they
> significant at all? I would imagine that the gear-train filters much of it
> out? Or does the gear backlash etc. set the system up for some worse
> resonance's? I assume the former from Tony's subsequent reply?
> Cheers & and Holiday Wishes,
> Pete
> -----Original Message-----
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: Flying: Performance: Speed kit.
> Hi! Mike.
> MT Propellers ,in my case supplied the propeller
> kit fully balanced, however they insisted that to
> maintain warranty conditions it must be supplied
> back to them within 50 hours for strain gauge and
> dynamic balance tests with the particular engine
> combination to identify any resonant RPM's over
> the full range of operation.
> This now completed a "non-flying" peak resonant
> range between 2150 rpm and 2400 rpm has shown to
> be present, and they are recommending not to
> cruise in that range if possible.
> I guess if I can't live with that it means
> another trip back to the factory for flight
> testing to try to narrow the non- useable range.
> The point about this is that simple balance isn't
> the full story and further strain gauge testing
> needs to be carried out to do the job in a
> professional manner. Only with that test can it
> be established what crankshaft oscillation is
> taking place, allowing you to select the most
> engine /propeller friendly flying.
> Best regards
> Bob Harrison
> G-PTAG Europa MKI /Jabiru 3300
> Quoting
> > Please excuse a dumb question.
> >
> > How do you know you have an out of balance
> powerplant setup? If it is
> > "really" out and you start the engine, can you
> do damage before being
> > able to
> > shut it down?
> >
> > Mike Duane, San Jose (soon to be Redding)
> California
> > Lurking for a long time but hope to build soon.
> >
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