Hi Richard
We put our instruments in a removable aluminium panel that sat on the
face of the original panel. We went to a local engineering shop with
the centre points of each hole marked on the ali and he programmed the
milling machine to cut the holes. It was perfect. If you can get the
panel surface level and the panel in the milling machine, you could do
the same.
On the other side of the panel we found with our G meter, that the
hole would be too small, so we centre popped the hole position and
drew around with a compass the correct size, drilled out as much as we
could with the hole saw and filed away the material with a half round
file, and finished off with a flapper wheel. It takes ages but the
results are good.
Quoting Richard Holder <rholder@avnet.co.uk>:
> I am about to do my panel.
> I understand that the main 6 instruments are best served by a hole
> 3.16
> inches, just larger than 3 1/8.
> Spruce have a 3 1/8 hole cutter which I'm sure will do the job.
> Everything in jolly old England is metric and hole cutters seem to
> only
> in 79mm (too small) and 83mm (too large).
> Can someone who has done this give me some guidance ?
> Thanks
> Richard Holder
> Kit 51 moving forward on its build after a 7 year wait (by someone
> else).
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/////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////