With this system if you want to reply to an individual you have to print the
message to find out the senders e-mail address, and then enter it in you
address book manually before you can send a reply. Too much hassle in my
opinion. Also I have found that a reply on the open forum can generate
unwanted comment. I feel that this system may suppress advice, certainly
---From those of us who don't wish to have their advice dissected on the
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Cliff" <john@crixbinfield.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Reply Protocol
> > Any chance of reverting to the previous system, which was very
> > user-friendly?
> > Roger
> Well, it depends, as usual, what you mean by 'user-friendly'. The change
> made because it was believed that a number of replies intended for the
List were
> in fact going inadvertantly only to the message authors. For a channel of
> communication that is a drawback.
> My mail program shows the 'To' address at the top of every message I
> and we all check the addressee of *every* message before we Send it, don't
> ........ :-)
> I'd like to give the current arrangement a reasonable trial.
> To restate the way it is now, Reply to a message from the Forum will go
back to
> the Forum. If you want to send a response elsewhere you will need to
address it
> explicitly.
> John Cliff
> Europa Forum minder