<<With this system if you want to reply to an individual you have to print the
message to find out the senders e-mail address, and then enter it in you
address book manually before you can send a reply. >>
Roger, in all the email progs I've seen, the senders address is usually shown
at the top. If you want to reply to the individual just highlight their
press ctrl+c (for microsoft anyway) to copy , click in the 'send to' window
in your new mail and then press ctrl+v to paste the address in - then delete
the forum address.
The advantages of the new software far outweigh the disadvantages, which was
why the club decided to go ahead with the upgrade. John, Rowland and Tom have
put a lot of time in for the benefit of us scribblers - ok, so we may have to
change the way we do something slightly, but lets give it a go; it works, its
better and its safer for our Pc's.