Hi Karim
I think that it will depend on the RON/MON value of the fuel. I
believe that the higher the number the more you can compress the fuel
without it detonating. I would guess that super unleaded which has a
value of 97 is a safer bet than cheap crappy unleaded with a value of
87. The 912 was designed to run with unleaded fuel, so I guess the
914 is too as it is essentially the same engine. But that is only my
opinion as I have got a Jabiru.
Another important factor in running with unleaded fuel is the ability
of the rest of the fuel related components to deal with the chemicals
used in the fuel. They can cause damage to some types of plastics and
rubbers. I would always filter the fuel from the petrol station as
its high price has nothing to do with quality, and everything to do
with excessive taxation.
Quoting KarkelB@aol.com:
> Hi folks,
> just been reading the march issue of todays pilot
> There is an article about fuels that just confused me. Read through
> paragraph that says mogas is unsuitable for turbocharged engines.
> Previously
> i had read that avgas damages the valve seats on rotax engines. Now
> whats the
> truth? I think i'll be calling austria tommorrow. Anyone with long
> experince on either fuels with the rotax engine?
> regards Karim.
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/////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////
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