Honeywell Sensors has a stock look up page for this transducer at
There are three distributors in the USA - Gopher electronics offers them in
single unit
quantities at $21.73 each. You can use this page to find distributors
anywhere in the world,
and their quanities on hand.
This is the same sensor that Tony K. used for his fuel gauge, (and for which
he is selling
controller chips and build/install instructions), and which has been
flying in Bob Harrison's plane for over a year. Check the bulletin board
for the recent fuel gauge thread.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Address search: Dave DeFord
> Hello:
> I am looking for an address to contact Europa builder Dave DeFord,
> A135?
> In particular, I like to find out about the experience and part source for
> the Honeywell 26PCAFA6D pressure transducer to use to measure
> the head pressure of fule in the tank.
> Anyone out there who can point me to the right address or part
> source? Has anyone been suuccessful using this method or part to
> accurately meansure fuel content? Is it reliable in the readings, and
> impervious to fuel? How much does the part cost?
> Christoph Both
> #223
> Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada