> I am looking for an address to contact Europa builder Dave DeFord,
> A135?
Can't help on that one.
> In particular, I like to find out about the experience and part source
> for
> the Honeywell 26PCAFA6D pressure transducer to use to measure
> the head pressure of fule in the tank.
> Anyone out there who can point me to the right address or part
> source?
Both RS Components and Farnell stock this part.
Has anyone been suuccessful using this method or part to
> accurately meansure fuel content?
Yes, See http://www.kaon.co.nz/fuelgaugev3.pdf.
>>Is it reliable in the readings, and impervious to fuel?
It is reliable and usage to date shows it is impervious to fuel. The longest
fuel exposure I personally know of is over two years with no problems.
How much does the part cost?
Around USD40