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Re: trimming layups [was: New future Europa pilot ...]

Subject: Re: trimming layups [was: New future Europa pilot ...]
From: LTS <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 08:18:04
Suggest you use small diamond wheels rather than the Dremel ones. They last
100 times longer and don't break that easily. I find the permagrit one has
too much inertia and is uncomfortable to use although I love their hand

I am getting some diamond wheels soon for myself and a couple of friends. I
don't know if I can get them cheap on a bigger order. If you're interested
let me know. They were about 5 each last time I bought a couple.

I also use a 115 mm grinder fitted with a regular sanding disc for some
trimming and neatening together with a power file and metal cutting band
saw. The band saw, bought used for 40 is surprisingly good at cutting
carbon composites, aluminium sheet, bolts, bits of metal and just about
anything you can cut with a hack saw.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Re:  trimming layups [was: New future Europa pilot

> Hi Rowland
> I have used the little angle grinder wheels for the dremel and they
> work very well. They seem to be more balanced than the permagrit
> although that too has its uses.
> What is the point of knife trimming anyway? It just appears to bugger
> up the layup that you spend so long perfecting. I tried it only
> twice, then reverted to the Dremel or craft knife and metal ruler or
> pad saw.
> all IMHO
> Ed
> > However, being a stubborn animal, I have since tried trimming my
> > layups with both the Dremel (with a Perma-Grit wheel) and the
> > aforementioned 115mm angle-grinder & diamond wheel. I find the
> > angle-grinder much easier to control (I feel I'd do better with the
> > Dremel if its wheel ran at right angles to the body, too), and it
> > goes through with pretty much undetectable effort.
> /////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////
> ///SouthEastLondonFlyingGroup///G-SELF powered by Jabiru 3300///

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